
Kawat Bronjong 1 x 2 x 0.5 M Kw 2.7mm (8 x 10 cm)

Rp. 99
Last Updated
21 Mar 2024
Minimum Order
5 Lbr

We Sell Galvanized Bronjong Wire We Sell Galvanized Bronjong Wire

* 200 x 100 x 50 (cm): 4 mm, side wire 3-wire anyam 2, 7 mm-Hole mesh 18 x 20 cm
* 200 x 100 x 50 (cm): 4 mm, side wire 3-wire anyam 2, 7 mm-Hole mesh 15 x 17 cm
* 200 x 100 x 50 (cm): 4 mm, side wire 3-wire anyam 2, 7 mm-Hole mesh 8 x 10 cm

Serving the Delivery In town, out of town and Out of the island.